Минути след концерта си с Chambao във Варна Васко Василев пропусна наздравиците в бекстейджа и потегли към София.
По първи петли вчера гениалният цигулар хвана полет през Цюрих за Япония, където го чака новата му любов Томо. Запознали се на негов концерт във Виена през пролетта, но искрата пламнала чак когато Васко останал в Страната на изгряващото слънце, за да озвучи серия партита на автомобилен гигант. Томо работи в компания за офис техника в Йокохама, но позволила на българската си муза да развали стриктния й график и да я тласне към приключения, пише ''Монитор''.
Двойката изкарала лятото събирайки тен по плажовете на Ибиза и в разходки из Валенсия, където Васко преподава. Засега концерт майсторът на ''Ковънт Гардън'' не планира завръщане в татковината. Свободните си часове е Токио той ще запълни с риболов и съвместния си проект с група Blue Sing.
Израсналият между ''Люлин'' и ''Филиповци'' музикант среща Томо малко след като обяви, че се оглежда за половинка и по възможност – българска, цитира blife.bg
''Това мое откровение беше спонтанно и стана повод за нови запознанства – получих много писма във фейсбук страницата си и искрено благодаря за вниманието. Опитах се да отговоря на всяко момиче, дано не съм засегнал някого. Беше мило... Истината е, че не си търсех гадже на живот и смърт, а по-скоро че си нямах тогава. Не знам какви качества трябва да притежава една жена, за да се класира за среща с мен. Никога не съм имал критерии, но имам интуиция, аз нея слушам'', откровен е Васко.
Прочети повече на: http://hotnews.bg/n/vasko-vasilev-se-vlyubi-v-yaponka.62824.html
Minutes after his concert with Chambao in Varna Vasko Vassilev missed toasting in some backstage stuff and drove off to Sofia. On the first grabbed the genial violinist yesterday cocks flight in Zurich for Japan, where he awaits his new love Tomo. They met at a concert in Vienna in the spring, but the spark flared when Vasco stayed in the land of the rising sun to scored a series of parties of automotive giant. Tomo works in Office equipment company in Yokohama, but allowed the Bulgarian Muse to break the strict schedule and her pushing her toward adventures, wrote the '' Monitor '' '. The couple had a summer Tan on the beaches of Ibiza and in walks around Valencia, where Vasco taught. So far, concert master of the '' Covent Garden's ' not planning comeback in the scorched earth. Free hours is Tokyo it will fill with fishing and the joint project with a group of Blue Sing. Izrasnaliât between the '' Downtown '' and the '' the '' musician Orlandovci meeting Tomo shortly after announced that it is looking for a mate and possibly – Bulgarian, quoted blife.bg ' ' That my revelation was spontaneously and became the occasion for new acquaintances, I have received many letters on my Facebook page and I sincerely thank you for your attention. I tried to answer every girl I hope I haven't offended anyone. It was sweet. The truth is, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, of life and death, but rather that you had then. I don't know what qualities a woman should possess in order to qualify for an appointment with me. I've never had a criteria, but I have a hunch, I hear it's ', Frank is Vasco. Read more at: http://hotnews.bg/n/vasko-vasilev-se-vlyubi-v-yaponka.62824.html

Minutes after his concert with Chambao in Varna Vasko Vasilev missed in cheers backstage and drove to the city. In the first cocks yesterday genius violinist took flight in Zurich to Japan, where it waits for his new love Tomo. They met at a concert in Vienna in the spring, but the spark that burned only when Vasco remained in the Land of the Rising Sun to parties voiced a series of automobile giant. Tomo worked in a company for office equipment in Yokohama, but allowed the Bulgarian muse spoil her strict schedule and to push for adventure, wrote '' Monitor ''. The couple earn summer sunbathing on the beaches of Ibiza and walking around Valencia where Vasco taught. So far, concert master of the '' Covent Garden '' no plans to return to motherhood. His off-hours is Tokyo he will fill with fishing and its joint project with a group of Blue Sing. I grew up between '' Lulin '' and '' Filipovtsi '' musician Tomo meeting shortly after announced that it is looking for a mate and possibly - Bulgarian quotes blife.bg '' This revelation was my spontaneous and prompted a new dating - I received many letters facebook page and sincerely thank you for your attention. I tried to answer every girl, I hope I did not cause offense. It was nice ... The truth is that you're not looking for a boyfriend of life and death, but rather that I did not have then. I do not know what qualities must have a woman to qualify for a meeting with me. I never had any criteria, but I have intuition, I hear it '' is honest Vasco. Read more: http://hotnews.bg/n/vasko-vasilev-se-vlyubi-v-yaponka.62824.html